Promenadeweg 3
1230 Wien

 +43 (1) 888 41 58-10

 +43 (1) 888 41 58-65


Kollegium Kalksburg




Erasmus+-Meeting in Cracow, Poland, April 24th – April 28th 2023

From April 17th  to April 21st 2023 the Erasmus+-group met in Krakow (Kostka Publiczne Liceum). After a repetition of the experiment done in Vienna a sculpture made by the Austrian team was shown. We also wrote and recorded a song with lyrics about the topic bioethanol. This was a lot of fun. 
During the next days chemical properties of ethanol were examined and a reflection of the project was done. 
Additionally we finished our project home page and had an excursion to the polish mountains where we explored the botany and geology of this region. Another afternoon we visited the city of Krakow and a waste thermal power plant. Polish culture was not only learned but experienced by living in host families and e.g. learning a polish folk dance. 
It was great experience to learn and work together with our new friends. 


Students participating: Rebecca Butollo (6b), Leonard Wlk, David Zehetner (both 5br), Rebekka Minkin, Helene Kelemen, Olivia Nestl-Newman, Theodor Schroeder (all 5c) 

Teachers responsible: Regina Robanser, Jakob Czettel 


Promenadeweg 3

1230 Wien

 +43 (1) 888 41 58

 +43 (1) 888 41 58-65

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